Pillars of Care - June Winners

 Pillars of Care - June Winners

Care for Others: Tina has shown care for others this month by expanding her circle at recess and playing with other peers. She has done a great job of involving others and making them feel welcome. 

Care for Learning: Chase has shown care for learning this month by completing some outstanding assignments and focusing on finishing one task at a time. He is really gearing up to take his learning seriously next year at SJAM. Fiera shows care for learning by investing in what she is learning and always trying to deepen her understanding of topics. She continues to ask questions and strives to improve her assignments frequently. 

Care for Place: Aaliyah has shown care for place by being more aware of her surroundings and trying to clean up after herself with less reminders. She continues to work on keeping her workspace tidy so she can do her best work.

Care for Self: Kirill has shown care for self this month by working towards making more responsible decisions around his learning and at less structured times. He is working on reflecting on his actions/choices and how they affect him and those around him.

Pillar of the Month (Optimism): Whole Class -
Room 17 has been very optimistic about the end of the school year and their transitions into summer and grade 6/7. They have been optimistic in learning new and challenging things and continue to work towards their goals with high hopes.

Congrats to all our winners!


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