Pillars of the Month Winners - April

Pillars of Care Winners

This month we voted as a class and gave reasons why we thought our classmates deserved each award. Here are our winners..

Care for Others: Massa shows Care for Others by helping her classmates and taking the time to listen and understand anything that is going on. She is always nice to others and her friends. 

Max has shown Care for Others by always asking if others are okay and if they need a friend.

Ammar shows Care for Others by letting others join his games at recess and playing with his friends. 

Care for Learning: Aiden has shown Care for Learning by always being on task, taking his learning seriously and adding meaningful comments to any class discussion.

Teagan has shown Care for Learning by completing his work in class time, answering questions properly and always participating in class discussions. 

Care for Place: Liam & Ally have both shown Care for Place by not littering and always cleaning up after themselves inside the classroom and outside.  

Care for Self: Karter has shown great Care for Self by always making sure he eats throughout the day, working hard on controlling his emotions and taking breaks when he needs them.

Tina has also shown a lot of Care for Self by always having plenty of good snacks and a healthy lunch.

Pillar of the Month (Inclusion): Ethan has shown Inclusion this month by always including everyone and making his peers feel welcome. He is appreciative and supportive of his classmates and allows others to use their voice with no judgement. 

Congratulations to all of our winners this month!


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