Pillars of Care March Winners

Pillars of Care

This month we voted as a class and gave reasons why we thought our classmates deserved each award. Here are our winners..

Care for Others: Mary-Anne has shows Care for Others by always asking classmates if they are okay and asking people to join her at recess.

Kaleb has shown his Care for Others by helping classmates out and being a good friend.

Teya shows Care for Others by always helping others when they are upset and looking after others. She always invites everyone to play.

Care for Learning: Teagan has shown Care for Learning by always raising his hand to respond and ask questions. He is almost always on task and paying attention. Teagan also knows a lot about math and science and is always looking up cool facts.

Care for Place: Max has shown Care for Place by always cleaning up after himself and others. He keeps his desk tidy and never has to be asked to clean up, whether it’s his mess or his classmates.

Care for Self: Israa has shown great Care for Self by always dressing for the weather and being kind to others. She is always doing her work and asking questions when needed. Not only that, but she cleans up after herself with whatever she is doing.

Pillar of the Month (Patience): Jimmy has shown a lot of Patience this month by always waiting quietly, raising his hand to speak. He is always calm, cool and his classmates are very proud of him.

Congrats everyone!!


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